We make content that people want to watch.

Let’s make something cool.

Expound Media is a production firm based out of Durham, North Carolina specializing in creating high-quality branded video content that captivates, converts, and…some other word that starts with “c.” Convinces? Coalesces?

Founded by a team of industry veterans, Expound was created to provide a premium, boutique experience from project inception, to production, and all the way through delivery and implementation.

Basically, we’re even more full-service than any other full-service firm.

Some things we do:

Lead generation

Full-scale media lead-gen that actually works.

Product launches

Getting your cool stuff in the brains of cool people.

Event promotion

Front-to-back media to fill events that people actually show up to.

Ongoing content

Newsletters, social media, branded content. All that jazz.

Premium courses

Informational teaching series that are worth paying for.

Ad campaigns

Evergreen adverts for any platform.